Sergiu Gherghina
STSM and Grant Award Coordinator
Associate Professor
Department of Politics, University of Glasgow
Sergiu Gherghina is Associate Professor in Comparative Politics at the Department of Politics, University of Glasgow. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Leiden University. His research interests lie in political parties, political participation (including that of migrants), democratization and democratic innovations. He is currently involved in a Horizon Europe project about the dissensus in the European Union and he is the principal investigator of a project seeking to explain the electoral success of new parties in new democracies.
Selected Publications:
Migrants’ voter turnout in the home country elections: non-integration or political anchor?. In: Politics and Governance, vol. 12, 2024.
Finding housing, making home: Romanian migrants in post-Brexit/post-Covid Britain. CaCHE, University of Glasgow, 2023.
More than voters: Parliamentary debates about emigrants in a new democracy. In: Ethnicities, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 487–506, 2022.