HIDDEN new publication

Dr. Ayselin Yıldız, member of the HIDDEN Cost Action, just co-authored the article ‘Migrants as agents in placemaking: A socio-spatial analysis of Basmane area in Izmir, Türkiye’, in the journal Wellbeing, Space and Society, available in open access.


This article explores the place-making practices of displaced Syrian refugees living in Basmane area of Izmir’s historic Konak district. By examining everyday spaces, the spatio-material and socio-relational outcomes of Syrians’ placemaking practices, the study positions refugees as active agents of placemaking. Through empirical fieldwork, it underscores the spatio-material consequences and socio-relational wellbeing outcomes of Syrians’ placemaking practices, illustrating how these are shaped and constrained by multi-scale configurations of Türkiye’s refugee policies and the perceptions of the local population towards migrants.

Ayselin Yıldız, Aylin Gürel, Meltem Ö Gürel: Migrants as agents in placemaking: A socio-spatial analysis of Basmane area in Izmir, Türkiye. In: Wellbeing, Space and Society, vol. 7, pp. 100222, 2024.