Working Group 6

Dissemination and communication

Leaders: Dr Nadja Beglerovic and Dr Morgane Delaunay

Dissemination and communication are common to all Action WGs.

Focus points

  • To ensure dissemination toward scientific audience and stakeholders
  • To ensure communication toward public audience and stakeholders


  • Implementing dissemination & communication activities according to the Dissemination and Communication plan


  • HIDDEN will host three major conferences as the major Action events in Years 1, 3 and 4. In Year 1 the focus will be on the aims of the Action; in Years 3 and 4 the focus will be on the results. The conferences will be designed to attract scholars, the public and Action stakeholders. Deliverables: Conference proceedings report on website.
  • 3 Training Schools in Years 2, 3 and 4 focusing on GDPR and historical data, citizenship and children, and ethical approaches to narrative research with vulnerable populations. The schools will target ECIs. Deliverable: Educational materials for the participants of the school, reports on website.
  • Action website and social media (with focus on both scholars and public) – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (regular posting)
  • 2 articles published on large, public websites, a popular journal/newspaper in different countries
  • 2x joint applications of the network members for further funding (e.g. MSCA doctoral networks, SSH-related Horizon Europe projects) to ensure the Action’s continuation (Year 4)
  • STSMs are an essential tool for knowledge transfer and will be organized throughout the Action. Deliverables: STSM reports.
  • Public facing communications on the Action’s website and on other popular blogs that will reach a general audience.
  • Editing special issue of a selected journal to reach other interdisciplinary scholars

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