Short-term Scientific Missions
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are institutional visits aimed at strengthening the network by supporting individual mobility and fostering collaboration between researchers. They allow individual scholars and scientists to travel from the institution in which their research is primarily done (the ‘home institution’) to a COST member institution (the ‘host institution’) for collaboration on some academic output, to learn new methods or gain access to resources not available in their home institution.
STSMs must have a minimum duration of 5 days including travel, and normally will have a duration of no more than 30 days. STSM grants are available for all confirmed CA 21120 Working Group Members.
For more information, see the STSM Open Call here, and HIDDEN Memorandum of Understanding.
For queries, please contact our Grant Coordinator:
STSM blogs
Apatride Network – University of Navarra: Statelessness Guest Lectures and Knowledge Exchange
Aleksejs Ivashuk’s field notes from his STSM at University of Navarra titled “Apatride NetworkUniversity of Navarra: Statelessness Guest Lectures and Knowledge Exchange”
The Challenges of Integration for Ukrainian Refugees: Designing an Interview Guide and a Questionnaire Survey.
Dr. Sergiu Gherghina’s field notes from his STSM at University of Florence titled “The Challenges of Integration for Ukrainian Refugees: Designing an Interview Guide and a Questionnaire Survey”
MissionCit: Exploring Injustice and Inequality of Citizenship at GLOBALCIT.
Dr. Marcelo Carvalho Loureiro’s field notes from his STSM at the GLOBALCIT Observatory at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in the European University Institute (EUI) titled “MissionCit: Exploring Injustice and Inequality of Citizenship at GLOBALCIT”
STSM for Scientific paper preparation and further institutional collaboration
Dr. Altin Idrizi’s field notes from his STSM at the University of Malta, titled “STSM for Scientific paper preparation and further institutional collaboration”
Accessing Citizenship and Belonging – Networking for a Collaborative Funding Proposal
Dr. Susan Beth Rottmann’s field notes from her STSM at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) titled “Accessing Citizenship and Belonging – Networking for a Collaborative Funding Proposal”
Identity Documentation and National Identity Formation Among Albanians in Kosovo: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Dr. Deona Cali’s field notes from her STSM at Newcastle University (UK) titled “Identity Documentation and National Identity Formation Among Albanians in Kosovo: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives”
Interaction between Contested Dynamics of Migrant Integration and ID Regimes
Prof. Dr. Ayselin Yildiz’ field notes from her STSM in Sciences Po CERI (Paris, France) titled “Interaction between Contested Dynamics of Migrant Integration and ID Regimes”
Decolonizing the Lives of Identity Photographs in the Adriatic Borderlands: from Fascism to post-Yugoslavia- Networking towards organizing a workshop and producing a scientific publication
Dr. Martina Caruso’s field notes from the STSM titled “Decolonizing the Lives of Identity Photographs in the Adriatic Borderlands: from Fascism to post-Yugoslavia- Networking towards organizing a workshop and producing a scientific publication”
Building citizenship after crossing Schengen borders in the Baltic: unveiling challenges and journeys of Global South and Post-Soviet migrants and refugees in Lithuania
João Pedro Silveira Martins’ (CER Migracions – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) field notes from the STSM titled “Building citizenship after crossing Schengen borders in the Baltic: unveiling challenges and journeys of Global South and Post-Soviet migrants and refugees in Lithuania”
Second Call: January 2024
Access to educational opportunities: A comparison of the situation of Ukrainian migrants in Poland and Afghan migrants in Turkey
Short-Term Scientific Mission Blog: Field Notes Action number:CA21120 Grantee name: Seyithan Demirdağ Details of the STSM: Title: Access to educational opportunities: A comparison of the situation of Ukrainian migrants in Poland and Afghan migrants in Turkey Start and end date: 10/09/2023 to 14/09/2023
Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Study of ID Regimes in the Iberian Peninsula
Ana Belén Martínez García field notes from the STSM titled “Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Study of ID Regimes in the Iberian Peninsula”